Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why Not Consecration Of Russia?

A priest friend in Victoria (Australia) asks:

Damiano [Damien Mackey], thanks .. hope you are keeping well ... has the pope consecrated Russia to the BVM? I am baffled by

Damien Mackey replies:
Hi, Father.

My own view, which ain't worth a hill of beans, except that it seems to accord with Sister Lucia and the popes, which - if so - makes it far more impressive than a hill of beans, is this:
Because the Consecration was done so late (about six decades), as Our Lord said regretfully in the 20's that it would be, Russia's errors had spread, so that the entire world was now Russia's errors, so to speak. In the 1920's this would not have been the case.
So we can't view Fatima in 1984 in the same way as we would have in the 1920's. Consecration of Russia was no longer sufficient in 1984 to stem the tide. Pandora's box was now wide open. It now had to be the consecration of the entire world as the great Pope John Paul II realised.

It's a great pity that Fatima wasn't heeded those six decades earlier. We would have been living in a far more happy world.
Catholics have only themselves to blame.

My view only

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